Frequently Asked Questions - Fork Life & Spoon
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is is holistic nutrition counseling and how is it different from a dietician’s work?

I believe that health is not a goal to be achieved but mosaic of physical, mental and emotional needs to be uniquely defined and valued.  Simply put, holistic health addresses all aspects of life that nourish you, not just what ends up on your fork. It is about introducing new behaviors and skills into the day to day that make sense for you and your body in the season of life you are in.

The work we do together is not a replacement for medical advice, although it is a wonderful complement to any other practitioner that you may be seeing. I will not give you meal plans or more rules to follow. Our sessions will create a space to connect the dots and allow you to feel confident about your choices.


I am here to support your exploration, inspire you to try things that I think might be right for you, and ultimately to transform your relationship with your food.



How will you chart my progress?

The results of our working together cannot be measured by a scale or determined by a number. Your progress will be determined by the goals we set at the start and the specific needs of your body. I do not believe in restrictive diets or a drastic overhaul of your lifestyle. By adding in new positive behavior you eventually squeeze out the things you have deemed less desirable.


What do you eat?

Pretty much everything that looks and smells good to me. And this changes all the time. I eat with my eyes first and what attracts me has definitely evolved since I have invested more time into food and nutrition studies and divested from ideas that are determined by diet-culture. I have come to respect and revere the little messages that my body has given me as it carried me through some physically taxing times (such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, stress of moving…)  I also think that feeding yourself has to be practical, which is why I love frozen pizza. Staying neutral about all foods allows me to follow my gut 🙂


Six months seems like a long commitment, can I do a shorter program?

Even if I was able to sit in front of you and tell you in an hour what will work for your body, it would not be much more than the general advice that you might find floating around all of the information channels you are tapped into already.

I have found that six months is the minimum needed to produce rich results. The commitment here is really to yourself; to decide once and for all that you are going  to connect to your physical self in a way that is not prescribed by someone else.  First you find the simple tweaks and changes that allow you to learn what your optimum feels like, then you give these new habits a little time to become second nature. Eating broccoli is easy, hearing your body’s signals will always be a work in progress.

I do have short programs that give you a chance to get curious about your relationship with food in the moment you find yourself in today. These group classes are a more general taste but have the added bonus of community!