Testimonials - Fork Life & Spoon
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Jamie Berk’s Health Counseling brought me back to life. After completing 4 rounds of chemotherapy I needed a nutrition and wellness plan for my post cancer life. Jamie was instrumental in creating that plan. I looked forward to our weekly meetings which started with an informational walk through a health food store. She opened my eyes to new foods and tasty possibilities through an assortment of recipes. I learned know how delicious healthy food could be. Her cooking classes were not only delectable and informative, but a wonderful way to meet great people.

Lisa, New York


As a vegetarian for 13 years, I was becoming increasingly frustrated with food choice restrictions, yet I did not want to re-introduce meat into my diet. I found myself struggling to maintain a nutritious and healthy lifestyle. Jamie taught me not only how to be a healthier vegetarian, but how to be a healthier whole person. Her attention to emotional health, as it relates to nutrition, was essential in my ability to understand food and how it affects my whole self. Jamie taught me to understand food interactions, how food affects my body and mind, and how to look to food and nutrition to improve my overall physical and emotional health. She gave me practical ideas and information that were easily incorporated into my lifestyle.  Jamie’s warmth and endless generosity were always a pleasure. I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to work with and learn from her.

Amy, New York


Working with Jamie brought about lasting changes that are still part of my life today. And that’s because it was a team effort – Jamie didn’t just tell me what to do to make my life healthier. We came up with tools together that made sense for me specifically and personally – like crowding out habits that were not working in my favor by folding in new activities, foods and thoughts. I’m forever grateful to Jamie and am proud of myself too! Thanks for pushing me to be better and for helping me to find myself.

Elise, Chicago


Les cours de cuisine de Jamie m’ont apporté beaucoup plus que ce que je ne l’ attendais. C’est une personne très agréable et grâce à sa personnalité enjouée l’apprentissage été facilité . Non seulement j’ai appris que l’on pouvait manger sainement tout en se régalant, je suis aujourd’ hui beaucoup plus attentive et curieuse de savoir et de comprendre exactement ce que j’ai dans mon assiette. J’ai aussi passé de très bons moments d échange et de rencontres et malgré  mon apprehension de ne pas tout comprendre à cause de la langue, j’étais ravie de constater que Jamie se débrouille très bien en français et m’a du coup par la même occasion fait progresser en anglais!

Agalie, Lyon


Working with Jamie gave me the skills I needed to think differently about food and my approach to a healthier lifestyle. Our sessions were honest conversations about food and how they affected me, not only physically but emotionally as well. Today when I am being hard on myself, I can still hear Jamie’s voice reminding me to be kind. Her holistic approach gave me the individualized tools I needed to make better choices while not feeling like I was being deprived. Today my diet consists of many of the whole foods that Jamie introduced me to. I’m very thankful for her guidance and wisdom.

Jessica, New York


Je voulais apprendre a cuisiner sans que ce soit trop compliqué ni que ca prenne trop de temps, avec Jamie j’ai pu préparer des repas entiers aussi divers que variés en un minimum de temps et dans une ambiance très conviviale et sympathique. Lors des classes Jamie m’a explique toutes les qualités des aliments et comment en tirer profits pour que ce soit le plus sain possible pour mon organisme , étant danseur professionnel, mon hygiene de vie doit être des plus saine et grâce aux recettes proposées j’ai pu combiner plaisir de manger et nourriture saine.

Mathieu, Lyon